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We're looking forward to hearing from you and answering any questions you may have about LINE-X and its many uses or the cost of protecting your truck bed with our lifetime guaranteed spray-on bedliners. Need accessories for your truck, jeep or SUV? Just let us know what you're looking for and we will be glad to help.

Feel free to give us a call anytime at (757) 490-8848. Tell us what you need and we'll get right back with you!

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It's a Ford Week!
It's a Ford Week!
Ford Specials

For all you Ford lovers, owners and enthusiast - today is a special day. Henry Ford made his first operational car on June 4th in 1896. In honor of this first milestone of such great accomplishments, we are having a Ford Special for the week! (June 4th - 8th)




All Fords that come in during this week will receive $40 off any regular bedliner.


Already have a bedliner? (Don’t worry) Need accessories? Get 10% off any accessory purchase.




(For all other truck owners, we will have more specials to come.)






The History:Ford Quadricycle 


At age 32, Henry Ford successfully engineered his first operating automobile.


Ford Quadricycle AKA: The horseless carriage 


Body style: 1-seat


Engine: 2-cylinder


Transmission: 2-speed (no reverse)


Wheelbase: 49”


Curb Weight: 500 lb


Designer: Henry Ford


*Sold for $200 to Charles Ainsley*

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